FPGA Design & SoC Design Services
Whether Altera, Xilinx, Microsemi/Actel or Lattice, the FPGA design process has become similar to that of ASIC’s. This is largely due to the evolution of System on a Programmable Chip (SOPC) technologies, including significant increases in gate count, memory densities and the emergence of IP. When IP is used, unique verification and synthesis challenges can arise. Anticipating these up front will allow the design cycle to proceed smoothly and within schedule. Our services range from augmenting your team in one specific area to supporting the entire project development cycle. Integre’s FPGA services include:
Design Evaluation and Requirements
- Specification generation
- Architecture definition
- Identifying IP requirements (if any)
- Vendor and device selection
- Tool selection
- Verification Strategy
Design and Verification
- RTL design
- VHDL, Verilog
- RTL Verification (Verification)
- Synthesis
- Static Timing Analysis
- Gate level verification
By following a disciplined approach along with close interaction with the customer throughout the design cycle, Integre Technologies brings success to every design. Our approach to RTL design is hierarchical in nature to help ensure maintainability and reuse.
You can have confidence that Integre Technologies has the required experience to handle your FPGA designs. The Integre staff has successfully delivered hundreds of designs for commercial and defense applications, including ground, air and space based products.
Intel/Altera Quartus II Design Software
Intel/Altera SoC Embedded Design Suite
Intel/Altera Qsys
Intel/Altera SOPC Builder
Intel/Altera SignalTap
Xilinx Vivado Design Suite
Xilinx ISE Design Suite
Xilinx ChipScope
Microsemi/Actel Libero IDE
Lattice IspLEVER Design Software
Lattice Diamond Design Software
Lattice Reveal Analyzer
Exemplar / Mentor Precision Synthesis
Mentor Leonardo Spectrum
Mentor ModelSim
Synplicity/Synopsys Synplify
Mentor QuestaSim